Cirque Du Soleil - Mad Apple Shoot


Today has been a super fun and busy day for our Las Vegas production company. We have a shoot today with Mad Apple, a cirque Du Soleil show here in Las Vegas, NV.

Prior to this shoot we had the opportunity to go see this show to get a good feel for all the acts and their roles in Mad Apple. The client requests were to get 11 of the talent members doing their acts to be photographed to then be photoshopped on an 18 wheeler truck that will then be driving and promoting the show all around Las Vegas. This was a bit of a challenge as the client wanted it to actually look like the acts were inside of a truck doing their act. However our Director, Ed Gregory was very creative and came up with a great way to get this done smoothly.

The start of the shoot day went amazing, our team arrived at the studio to set up our green screen / lighting and camera equipment around the studio. The shuttle with all the talent equipment ran a little behind but it was all good! Our first group of talents arrived at 1:15pm, they got on set and did what they came to do! Our other talents arrived every hour in a group after the first. We had Hoop divers, foot jugglers, hand balancers, a band and a comedian on set. It was so fun to watch them in action at our studio.

Last part of this shoot will be the post production. The photos will go to our in-house editors. We can't wait for you guys to see the outcome of this shoot. Stay tuned for more, and if you are in Las Vegas keep an eye out for an 18 wheeler Cirque Du Soleil Mad Apple Promo truck!


ICS Recap


Universal Everything X BMW